Friday, July 23, 2010

Browser Leader Firefox 4 Beta Released-Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 1

Most probably the popularly well known Mozilla Firefox is major web browser has realised the Beta version of firefox 4.0.1. There are some of the features were newly added in the new version of firefox. The usage of firefox is in large volume, the firefox 4 beta will get the most download in the net are to be expected.

In the new firefox there are in the top right corner feedback button was there, if in any cases firefox crashes means you can send an feedback by just pressing a single button and that you want narrate the problem why you dislike the firefox. Most probably the popularly well known firefox is major web browser used by the world internet using people. Now the beta make more expectation and more features were to be included in the firefox 4.

In the new style like the google chorme there is no menu bar was there and if we need the menu bar means we shall also add it and the tabs are to be changeable where we want to locate the tab bar on the top of the link or else down of the as normal we can make it. In new version some of the interesting thing will take place in it.

In the new firefox 4 beta when we are typing the website it is already in a new tab means it will ask to switch to that tab were to be take place in the link bar. As shown above like wikipedia.

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